Forums slated for county, state candidates

Candidates for county and state elected office have agreed to participate in candidate forums in Jefferson Oct. 10 and Oct. 15.

County candidates will be featured Thursday, Oct. 10, at 7 pm at the Greene County elementary school cafeteria. Supervisor candidates Joe Gannon and Greg Ruth (District 1), and John Muir and Tori Riley (District 4), as well as sheriff candidates Jack Williams and Shane Monthei will attend.

Statehouse candidates will have the floor Tuesday, Oct. 15, also at 7 pm at the elementary school cafeteria. House candidates Carter Nordman and Joe Shelly (House District 48), and Senate candidates Jesse Green and Margaret Liston (Senate District 24) will participate.

Candidates will introduce themselves and then answer questions from attendees.

Rick Morain will serve as moderator.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The candidate forums are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Jefferson as a public service to the community.

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